Fred Marshall Painting has been in business for over 50 years. We have an extremely experienced team that cumulatively has hundreds of years of painting experience.

Painters & Painting Crews

Painters & Painting Crews

We have the best painters in Utah. They excel at producing the highest quality work. Our foremen are very experienced and have all been with the company for many years.

Ethan Bennett - Sales

Ethan Bennett, President

Ethan is responsible for all the day-to-day activities of Fred Marshall Painting. He has extensive experience in management, sales, customer relations, and operations. Ethan earned a degree in Supply Chain Management from BYU-Idaho.

Scott Marshall - Operations

Franklin Ramos, Operations

Franklin, has been with Fred Marshall Painting for over 25 years. Prior to his current operations role, he was a crew foreman for over 10 years. He consistently impressed customers with his expertise and quality work.

Fred Marshall - Founder

Fred Marshall, Founder

Fred founded Fred Marshall Painting in 1974. He retired in 2014, but still does some consulting with the company.